Handout: Knowledge and Skills

Developing shared understanding of the expertise (knowledge) needed for the Leadership Team in a Standards-based education system.


1. Provide participants with access to the Portal to complete this activity.

2. Review the Function Activity documents and as a group reflect upon these discussion questions:

a. What areas of expertise are present on the team? What areas need growth and support? 

b. What are the considerations for selection of team members?

c. Are there areas of expertise that should be added to the chart?

3. Use the table provided to summarize the considerations and implications that will be referenced as you select members for the leadership team. 

4. Selection of team members will be completed in Part II and will use the Activity Directions: Select Members.

Table Summary of the considerations and implications for our organization as we move forward to selecting leadership team members.


Knowledge and Skills

Team notes--This information will be carried forward to support the selection of Team Members in Activity Directions: Select Members

Ensure implementation of effective instructional practices.

Use of effective instructional practices.


Ensure implementation of effective instructional practices. 

Understanding of effective instructional practices including what proficient practice looks like and methods to measure fidelity of practice. 


Ensure implementation of effective instructional practices.

Use of data for continuous improvement [e.g. evaluation of effort, fidelity, and outcome measures].


Engage community and stakeholders.

Use of authentic partnerships with all stakeholders.


Create an environment that supports adults to change practices. 

Understanding of training and coaching supports to be put in place to promote educator competency. 


Create an environment that supports adults to change practices.

Understanding of systems change.