Handout: Video Notes


Notes from video

What is a Decision Support Data System (DSDS)?


What does a DSDS help us do?


What 3 types of data are used in a DSDS?


What does fidelity data tell us?


What does outcome data tell us?


What does programmatic data tell us?


What are important characteristics of data?


What are we using all this data for?


Who should use data?


Why share data and successes?


Part II: Processing Activity

1. Use the questions below to reflect on your current data practices. Make notes individually first. Then share out as a group. Record the group’s responses.

2. In small groups, discuss both successes and areas for growth in your DSDS. Share out to the whole group.

Note: You can use this conversation as a starting point for the next activity about Activity Directions: Sources of Data as well as the Handout: Inventory of Current Data Use, part of Action 2.



How does your organization currently use data to drive decision making in teaching and learning?


What types of data do you review? Who reviews this data and how often?


What are the questions about teaching and learning that this data helps you answer?