Activity Directions: Identify Professional Learning Needs

For more information about how to use this activity to support the action Design professional learning for supporting selected instructional practices and curriculum, see the Action Overview: Design Professional Learning.


This activity may be used by educators across content areas to identify the professional learning needs of the people who will be leading and utilizing the instructional practices and curriculum with students. The participants will review the components of the instructional practices that were identified in the Instructional Supports action and the Curriculum Development actions to identify those professional learning needs. These learning goals will later be used in planning the professional learning activities of the organization.


1. Participants will identify and understand the professional learning that is needed to support the selected instructional practices and curriculum.


30 - 60 minutes


1. Determine the participants and schedule the meeting. The grouping of participants could be by groups that wrote the practice profiles or intentionally use different grouping.

2. If this is a new team, review the “Principles we live by” handout for grounding the team.

3. Make copies or give participants access to documents and handouts.

a. Plans developed in the Instruction Preparation: Plan Instructional Support activity

b. Practice Profiles Professional Learning Needs chart for each group or access to an editable electronic document.


1. Discuss with the group the goals for the activity

2. If needed, remind the group of the selected instructional practices and the process and rationale that was used to select those practices.

3. Review and analyze the practice profiles that were developed in Instructional Preparation: Develop Tools and identify the professional learning needs for each of the components of the selected practices using the Professional Learning Needs chart

a. In determining the Professional Learning needs, consider the backgroups of the educators who will participate.