Action Overview: Gather data on supports for instructional practices and curriculum

This set of resources is designed to help educators gather data about supports for instructional practices and curriculum. In Action 1: Design Professional Learning teams prepare the supports for educators to implement effective instructional practices as well as develop curriculum aligned to standards. While those supports are being provided, it is important that teams gather data so that they can later evaluate progress and adjust supports as needed (processes for this are provided in Action 3: Evaluate Supports). 


When leadership teams use Plan-Do-Study-Adjust improvement cycles Action Overview: Implementation to support improvements in curriculum and instruction, they must gather data on implementation and supports in order to know what is working and what is not so that adjustments can be made. 

To understand what is happening with effective instructional practices:

· Teams need measurement tools to provide data that will help them assess progress toward their process, fidelity, and outcome goals in order to make adjustments.

· Fidelity and process data can help teams understand how well educators are being supported to implement a practice as intended. 

· The data must be relevant, usable, and timely.

To understand how well the curriculum is aligned to standards and supporting the use of effective instructional practices, it is important to have:

· A system of tracking intended scope and sequence, unit plans, etc. (see the Curriculum Preparation Strategy for support in this area)

· A way of checking and gathering data on alignment among curriculum, instruction, and standards

Suggested Activities

How do educators use Portal resources to Gather Data on Supports?

1. Activity 1: Gather Data on Supports guides teams to build and follow a plan for collecting data that will be useful in making decisions about supports for instruction and curriculum

2. Activity 2: Gather Data on Alignment, guides teams to use a student work protocol to examine student work and analyze the alignment of curriculum and instruction to academic standards.

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